Four Reasons Tubes Are Vital For Pouring Concrete Columns

Construction workers who pour concrete columns are often faced with a difficult task. They must pour the concrete into a round form that is circular in shape, but they must also ensure that the concrete stays smooth and level while they pour it. If a worker fails to do this, then he or she will end up with an uneven surface on which to place their column.

This can lead to trouble down the line when it comes time to add flooring or other items that require a flat surface. If you want to avoid these problems, then you should use formatubes. Formatubes are steel tubes that are designed specifically for pouring concrete into them. They have an opening at one end and a connector at the other end that allows you to connect them all together and create one long line of formatubes that can be used for pouring concrete into any shape that you need.

There are several reasons why tubes like formatubes are vital for pouring concrete columns:

1. Tubes Make It Easier To Pour The Column

Pouring concrete columns with formatubes is much easier than using traditional methods such as hand-pouring or using a scaffold system. The tubes have been designed specifically for pouring columns and have notches along their length to accommodate different footing depths.

2. They Provide An Accurate Depth For Pouring The Column

When you use tubes such as formatubes, it's easy to get an accurate depth when pouring your column because they're marked with measurements on the outside of each tube. This allows you to pour each section at an exact height so there aren't any wasted materials or time spent adjusting your formwork or pouring too shallowly and having to start over again from scratch.

3. Formatubes Prevent Uneven Settling Of The Concrete

Because formatubes are made specifically for pouring columns, they have a wide base and are very stable on their own. This means that the concrete inside of them won't settle or shift around as much as other types of tubs, so your column will come out looking nice and even with no cracks or gaps in between the layers. 

4. Formatubes Allow For Easy Removal Of The Forms After The Pour Is Complete

The final benefit of formatubes is that they're easy to remove once your column is ready for curing. The sides snap off with a few taps from a hammer, and then you can just pull the top piece off and throw it away. This makes cleanup much faster than trying to pry apart forms made out of wood or metal, which often leave behind large amounts of debris that need to be cleaned up before you can move on to the next stage of construction.

Chat with a manufacturer to find out more about formatubes today.
