How to Solve Common Problems With Your Well Pump

If a well is the primary source of water in your household, problems with its water pump can be disastrous. Whether it is a mechanical failure of the pump or insufficient supply of water, these issues can bring everything in your household to a screeching stop. Luckily, you can solve most of the common problems and restore normal operations. Read on to find out about the common problems that arise from well pumps and how to handle them.

Electrical problems

Most well pumps nowadays are powered by electricity. This is an improvement from the traditional hand pumps which are operated manually. One disadvantage of electric well pumps is that electrical related problems are common, and when they occur, the pump may not be able to suction water from the well. If your pump stops working abruptly, it could be an electrical problem.

Start by checking the wires that run out of the fuse box for any damage or loose connections. If one or more of the wires are damaged, you may need to replace them. Check the circuit breaker for any burnt out fuses and replace them with new ones. If a cable is damaged or the fuse is burnt, the electric circuit will not be complete and the pump won't run.

A faulty motor

If your pump doesn't run after checking its electrical systems, the motor could be the problem. The motor converts the electric energy into mechanical energy that enables the pump to run and pump water. If the motor isn't working, the pump will not run as well. One of the most common problems with a faulty motor is the starter switch.

You will need to buy a new starter switch for your pump. During replacement, make sure you turn off the power first. Also, clean the contacts of the pressure switch that's on the pressure tank. Dirt and debris can cause obstruction and hinder it from functioning properly.

No water

Sometimes the pump motor may start up, but no water will be pumped into your home. This could be due to a broken valve or faulty circuit breakers. Also, if the pump has lost its prime, water will not be pumped from the well.

You can check if your pump is primed by removing the priming plug to check if the pipes have water. If there is no water, you should prime the pump again. If there is water, inspect the valve to ensure it's not broken and replace any burnt circuit breakers.

If your pump doesn't work or you don't get water after following these tips, you can call a professional to troubleshoot it and carry out necessary repairs and replacement of faulty parts.
