Key Factors That Determine Costs of Structural Steel Fabrication Services

When looking for a suitable structural steel fabrication company, the prices of their services are one of the major determining factors. However, when you inquire for estimates from potential candidates you are considering hiring, the price quotations vary for each company. Considering that the cheapest quotation doesn't indicate the best contractor, it becomes quite difficult to determine which companies are charging fair rates, which once are overpriced as well as which ones are unrealistically cheap. Read More 

Understanding Cooling Tower Terminology

As commonly-used heat exchangers, cooling towers are an important part of many buildings' designs. Essentially, they bring hot water into direct contact with cooler air to reduce its temperature, often in a circulatory process. Many of the terms used in modern cooling tower design are only understood by engineers experienced with them. Architects and building designers can gain greater insight into their functions by better understanding the terminology associated with them. Read More 

Examples of building materials you can use to damp proof buildings during construction

There are numerous factors that building contractors must keep in mind to guarantee high-quality construction of their buildings. Examples include quality of materials used, duration of construction, damp proofing the building, labour, availability of materials among others. However, one of the factors that can severely undermine the strength and stability of a building is the absorption of water or moisture in the foundation or walls of a building. Luckily, there are a couple of building materials that are used to damp proof a building and avoid water logging issues within the walls and foundations of the building. Read More 

Perspex Polishing Tips for Home Owners

The use of perspex or acrylic glass at home has been on the rise for quite some time now. In areas where the need for a break-resistant plastic is paramount, for instance, garage doors, storm doors and basement windows, you should go for acrylic plastic rather than glass. While the use of perspex is more functional -- due to its dependability and resilience -- than aesthetic, taking good care of it is important. Read More 

Three Design and Fabrication Considerations for Custom Plastic Joiners

In the past, most joiners used in equipment and general structural networks were manufactured using metal. The popularity of the material can be attributed to the strength and the durability of metal. Over the recent years, plastic has gained a significant position in the fabrication of joiners. Unlike metal, plastic is easy to machine, so intricate shapes can be created at low costs. This category of materials is also lightweight; this means that it will not stress the pertinent joined units after installation. Read More